Friday 29 April 2016

Guitar Lessons

Education in our society is a must ,without it we can not advance .It matters not in what form this education comes , be it theoretical , practical hands on, watching TV ,or perhaps looking out the window of the bus . The fact of the matter is we need it .

Schools of course provide a formal structure to education and ultimate advancement in life. In this country we can get it for free up to the age 18 , for which I am truly grateful . however providing free education does not mean the educators can not be brought to task . Most especially I feel when it comes to the education of children on the spectrum .

I , as a parent of a child with autism  don't see his autism as others do , I see it as something to be capitalised on , something that if truly recognised can in fact elevate my child above others . But of course I am a parent so it is only natural I would feel this way .

Since he first started to learn to write my son has had difficulty , at first it was thought he did not have the strength in his wrist and hand to properly hold a pen or pencil and for this he was given an attachment for  his pencil to improve his grip , I organised guitar lessons for him thinking I could achieve two goals , one to satisfy his musical curiosity and two to help strengthen his hands .

Both goals were met. Although his writing improved it has never reached a level that would be acceptable on an exam paper. Since around the age of 6 my son has used a mini computer called an 'alpha smart' at school ,( his typing skills are astonishing ). Just like we judge people on appearance , I fear his intelligence was being judged by the standard of his writing .

Sadly and much to my disappointment when it was time this term to attend the parents teachers evening , in which the parents were to discuss the choice of subjects for their children . I discovered that only in some of his subjects was he being encouraged to use the 'alpha smart 'and that the teachers of each subjects were not discussing my sons education .

The teachers using the  'alpha smart ' and getting the best results were not communicating this to the teachers who were allowing him to write free hand . He was most definitely having greater difficulties in the classes where he was writing free hand .

One of his teachers actually said to me ' I am beginning to be able to understand what he is writing ' as if that was an achievement , and if she was to be marking his exam papers that would be excellent .  It does not work that way in our school system.
I don't want the person marking my son's exam papers to be told he has autism. I am pretty sure that will not be the case . I know that my son most emphatically does not want the person marking his exam papers to know he has autism .

What I have recognised , is that in educating my son ,his teachers have to do it with a nod and a wink .
We know you have autism , we know, you know , we know . Now lets get down to the best possible way of educating you .

Monday 11 April 2016

Pining for Primary

  Now that my son has been at secondary school for almost 2 years I am finding myself pining for the days he was at primary. Then the communication I had with the school was excellent .If I wanted to I could speak with his teacher every day ,if I had any concerns .There were less than 300 pupils and by primary 3 my son was well known and well supported within the school .

Now however things are very different . I can email his teachers even telephone his guidance teacher.I will always get a positive response, but it is not the same , he is one pupil amongst 1400 .
A very different dynamic , and as such I feel a little out of touch , much as I did when he first got his diagnosis at age 3 and 1/2 .

I am sure it is not the intention of the school to make me feel this way ,but sadly I do . I long gave up trying to understand autism or even think about the cause . I have instead decided to go along for the journey with my son at the helm , after all he is the one in the eye of the storm. Like any parent I will have advice and experience to pass on .My son is on a unique journey of his own ,the whys and wherefores whilst maybe somewhat enlightening, do not adequately deal with the here and nows .

And as every parent discovers over time ,good teachers are like diamonds ,and for my son , good teachers are the difference between him dipping his toe ,or him diving in ,to a subject . Good teachers are invaluable to all they teach . To some one who has in my view a higher hill to climb , good teachers are the connection he needs to the world where his disability is not in the majority .