Sunday 5 May 2013

In my son's first year at his Scottish school and his first Christmas in his new life, he was about to become involved in the School Christmas assembly, to which the parents of P1 and P2 are invited. Several weeks prior to this event the teachers had been preparing the children as there was a song and some acting involved  and most of the children had lines to learn. Up until about two days before the assembly my sons teacher was committed to have him be involved, but at the final rehearsal she felt that he was just not ready, he was not focusing and although he knew his lines he was not delivering them with any consistency. So it was with great reluctance she made the decision to exclude him .Instead he was to sit with his learning assistant and she would guide him through the proceedings. He did get to dress up though, new white shirt and a very colorful bow tie.

While watching the assembly I could see he was very excited,  and that his teacher had made the right decision. Although at the time it saddened me I still drew comfort and warmth from watching him obviously enjoying himself and also I could see very clearly how well he was being looked after.

Every year at assembly his role has grown and gradually over time he has been given more and more to do. Until his last performance, where he performed a magic trick  and sang a song (Where did you get that hat ?) With great aplomb. He is now capable of doing this because of all the hard work and effort put in by all the people who have been with him every step of the way. For about three years now he has been attending a drama club, where when I first asked how they felt about having an autistic boy in their class they replied "not a problem".

Once a week he has guitar lessons and again his teachers (A husband and wife team) have no problem in teaching a boy on the spectrum. Some of the people he encounters in his life have an understanding of his autism and some just go with the flow,  the fact is his character is celebrated not suppressed,  his light is allowed to shine at every opportunity.  Only on a few occasions has he encountered fear at his obvious difference from others. Fear and ignorance. For the most part though he has faced very little prejudice and although I think that some of that has to do with the fact he looks like most other children, in fact he is really quite handsome , I feel I can still celebrate the society I live in, for it's forward thinking.