Monday 29 March 2021

Brave and Proud

 Here we are now many years since this blog started, my son now age 19. He has become a handsome young man, brave and proud, aware of his autism but not allowing it to dictate his life. In fact, he would rather it was never mentioned again.

How that will transpire in his future remains to be seen, but it is a philosophy worth pursuing for now.

The only trouble with this however is that it is not always easy for him to mask the fact he has autism, I can only imagine how difficult it can be for him sometimes. 

He has recently been applying for jobs, and when he is filling in the application, he gets to the bit where they ask him. Would you describe yourself as having a disability? He answers no, he does not want it to be known, he accepts he has autism but he does not want it to be the main part of his character. 

He has managed to secure 5 interviews but is yet to be offered employment. Something at these interviews does not go well for him.

I think because of the stigma surrounding any kind of disability, he is trying to live like he is not autistic, which when all said and done is really quite sad. But when you think of how long it has taken society to accept same-sex relationships, it is not in any way surprising. 

If something about his autism was to influence him positively if in employment his autism was invaluable to his employer, of course, it would change his opinion. That day won't come until he actually gets a job.

 In an effort to make himself more employable I supported him in applying to a local charity shop, they were happy to take him on, he works for free but the difference it made to his demeanour and general well being was palpable.

We now have to apply that to paid employment it seems so close within a whisper of his grasp and as such to me is very frustrating because I know he is more than capable of working in any kind of role. He cant however communicate his competence effectively enough to an interviewee to secure that elusive job.

Watch this space.