Friday 5 September 2014

It is two weeks in to the new term at secondary school for my son and so far he is enjoying the experience .I will be visiting the school soon so I can get some feed back as to how he is settling in . Puberty and Autism ,I am slowly discovering are not a good mix . It is hard enough for your average teenager to communicate with out also being on the spectrum. For his whole life in times of frustration for my son I have adopted the 'hug tightly until it feels alright again ' method . And to date it has worked very well and teenager or not I will be continuing with this probably until I can hug him no more.

If an autistic child seems numb to their emotions then it would follow that some serious thawing out , is required. For me ,I just pour on extra love . Understanding what is going on in his mind when he is coping with difficult situations is near impossible I assume he is thinking on several levels trying to understand how to live in this world with autism and also trying to understand what it might feel like not to have autism which is a wish of his ,that he has articulated.

He came across a website with information on the benefits of cannabis oil  (illegal in the UK)How it had greatly improved the lives of children with seizures , and also shown to help children with autism. The facts about these benefits are becoming more and more widely known , so much so that the pressure on governments to do something about the legal status of cannabis is mounting daily .

What is significant to me , is the fact that he is actively searching for a cure or some kind of aid to help him with his autism . In just over a year he has gone from recognizing he has autism to trying to cure his autism. That tells me that he is finding life difficult and he would be happier  if he were more like the other children he shares his life with .

I have always celebrated his difference and never thought about a ' cure '. I have always been aware of  the fact that life is difficult for him but then I always thought he was coping well and accepting the challenges ahead . I see his cognitive skills deepening and with that he is becoming more understanding of what he is going through for me although it has been a long and hard road it has been fascinating to witness his progress , what has always seemed most obvious to me is that his autism , very much shapes his character to think that there is a cure is hard to think about , I think more research is needed .

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